brazilian rain tree
Discover the Brazilian Rain Tree, a stunning tropical tree known for its delicate foliage, fragrant flowers, and unique twisting trunk. Perfect for bonsai and ornamental garden
The ‘Pithecellobium tortum’ is a hardwood tropical native to Central and South America’s coastal rain forests, and sadly is listed as a “Critically Endangered” species.
The Brazilian Rain Tree has delicate branches with small, light-green compound leaves and thorns which I don’t recommend grabbing. And, as sort of odd Party Trick, the leaves fold up at night or when it rains and unfold in the morning sun.
If the conditions are correct are pruning kept to a minimum, the Brazilian Rain Tree will bloom with fragrant fuzzy white puffballs (obviously an official term). It has a fluted trunk with brown bark that peels off in strips, revealing the smooth white wood underneath and offering a beautiful contrast between the two.
This spectacular member of the Legume family can adapt to either an indoor or outdoor environment. If you choose to keep yours outdoors it’ll need protection from temps below 45 degrees and if it’s indoors it likes a lot of sun (or grow light light), but beware of foliage burn from the magnification of sun through windows.
Brazilian Rain Tree – 10-14″ tall
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